Everyday Facial Care

We once heard a customer say, “It’s not pennyRae some days, it’s pennyRae every day!” He was saying this as he was planning on leaving his home for the day and realized he had not finished his morning skin protocol. Why pennyRae Everyday? It’s the name of our best-selling facial care line offering a facial wash, a toner and a moisturizer. These products are perfect for everyday use and even between other regimens given their gentle and incredibly balancing properties.
Everyday Facial Wash is a non-drying cleanser that is gentle, yet effective. It helps prevent blemishes, wakes up your skin in the morning and removes the rigors of the day in the evening, while balancing the naturally occurring oils of your skin. Follow it up with Everyday Facial Tonic, especially in the summertime when we tend to perspire more and when oils build up in skin more easily.
Our tonic is also terrific for post-exercise recovery and any time you need a little pick me up. pennyRae Everyday Facial Moisturizer is a light cream that locks in moisture, keeping your skin hydrated and conditions with nourishing oils.
The Everyday line features three essential oils along with longevity-promoting oils like jojoba and coconut oil.
Rose absolute, lavender, and ylang ylang are each balancing oils that your skin will love. Rose absolute (fun fact….it takes 60,000 roses to make 1 ounce of essential oil!) is a natural antibiotic, reduces inflammation, and helps retain skin tone and elasticity. The aromatherapy benefit of it includes boosting confidence and managing depression.
Lavender essential oil (in contrast, it only requires ~six pounds in order to make one ounce of oil) also reduces inflammation, soothes and nourishes the skin, and works as a mild antibacterial. Ylang ylang (correctly pronounced ee-lang ee-lang according to dictionary.com in case you were interested) works to speed the regenerative process of the skin as cells die and slough off. Without this cellular process, our skin would thin faster, making it easier for sagging and for wrinkles to appear.
While some will need extra help for problem areas and seasons will sometimes dictate other needs, the Everyday facial care line is a safe and convenient bet year round.